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November 2016 – Economic theory suggests that carbon trading will eventually become obsolete, at the latest, when all emissions are reduced and the…

At its 91st meeting, the Board agreed on recommendations to the CMP on the future expansion of the CDM to other areas of use, including use of the CDM…

At its 90th meeting, the Board discussed various proposals for demonstrating additionality and decided to simplify and streamline the CDM framework as…

September 2016 - The latest issue of the Carbon Mechanisms Review features a number of articles on initiatives paving the way for the transition of…

(Photo: Possan/flickr)

September 2016 – Article 6 of the Paris Agreement allows for new forms of market-based cooperation, allowing Parties to transfer mitigation outcomes…

(Photo: Magharebia/flickr)

Tackling climate change is a shared responsibility – not least for cities, for the private sector, and for public and private organisations. Many of…

The Chinese government has announced the introduction of a country-wide emissions trading scheme (ETS) for 2017 in which a wide range of businesses…

This issue of the Carbon Mechanisms Review deals with the implementation period of the Paris Agreement ahead. The authors take up the results of the…

June 2016 - More than 60 experts from 20 different countries met in Berlin for the 16th Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) Workshop to discuss the…

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
