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EB 91 recommends expansion of the CDM to other areas

At its 91st meeting, the Board agreed on recommendations to the CMP on the future expansion of the CDM to other areas of use. The recommendations include allowing CERs to be used in national emissions trading schemes, use of the CDM as an MRV tool in climate finance and with finance products (green bonds), voluntary cancellation of CERs by aviation companies and broader use of the Climate Neutral Now platform for voluntary cancellation of CERs.

The Board further issued a mandate to the Secretariat to support international climate finance institutions in using and financing the CDM. EB 91 also presented the results of an evaluation of the CDM Loan Scheme. The findings indicate that many projects face the risk of not being able to repay their loans, due to low CER prices. The Board decided to recommend to the CMP that the Loan Scheme should not be withdrawn completely, but for the time being to refrain both from granting new loans and from commissioning successor organizations to implement the scheme.

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