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Non-State actors dialogue forum calls for practice-oriented mechanisms under Paris Article 6

September 2016 - The Paris Agreement acknowledges the role of non-State actors in implementing action to combat climate change. The Agreement’s Article 6 provides the framework for implementation of its mechanisms, both at national and cooperative level. The role of non-State actors will thus be of particular importance when it comes to mobilisation of funds.

With the aim of initiating proactive dialogue between regional non-State experts on the options available in implementing Article 6, the UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centres (RCCs) organised a series of talks with non-State actors in developing countries in June and July this year.

The dialogue forum formed the second stage of a project jointly funded by the governments of Germany and Norway and aimed at supporting developing countries in the use of economic instruments to achieve their nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Invitations to the dialogue workshops went to users of market and cooperative mechanisms in regional institutions and organisations, and also to consulting firms, think tanks, research institutes and project developers.

The dialogue workshops took place at the UNFCCC’s five RCCs in June and July this year. The ensuing synthesis report highlights the fact that the participants believe that implementation of the Article 6 mechanisms should focus both on practice-related needs and existing climate change tools. In the new mechanisms era, the non-State actors also call for a seamless transition to or integration of the existing Kyoto Protocol mechanisms, and particularly the CDM. Synergies between Article 6 mechanisms and climate financing were also highlighted.

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