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40th JISC Meeting Elects Chair and Approves Management Plan for 2018-2019

At the 40th meeting Albert Williams was elected as JISC Chair and Ghergita Nicodim as Vice Chair of the JI Supervisory Committee (JISC). Mr. Williams is the Vanuatu Parliamentary Secretary and Special Envoy for Climate Change, and an experienced UNFCCC negotiator. Mrs. Nicodim is a consultant at the Romanian Environment Ministry and a member of Romania’s National Environmental Protection Agency.

The management plan (JI-MAP) for 2018-2019 was approved under the new direction. Besides JISC’s main tasks, the committee will also promote visibility of the lessons learned from JI activities. The JISC will thus use all available input and advice in the development of implementing rules for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

Additionally, all JISC decisions to be made in 2017 will be made via electronic means, including the ascertainment for the side event to be hold at the upcoming CMP 13 in Bonn, Germany. A panel discussion with stakeholders involved in the JI process is considered as content.

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