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Webinar: “Identifying High Quality Carbon Credits and their SDG Impacts”

Photo: Stiftung Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima

This webinar on “Identifying High Quality Carbon Credits and their SDG Impacts” is held by Oeko-Institut, Stockholm Environment Institute and Foundation Development and Climate Alliance. 

The first part of the webinar will present the Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI). The CCQI provides transparent scorings on the quality of carbon credits. The free-of-charge scoring tool offers a nuanced picture of carbon credit quality against seven quality objectives. This enables users to identify carbon credits that deliver higher climate mitigation impacts and offer greater social and environmental benefits.

In the second part of the seminar, the findings of the study “Sustainable development impacts of selected projects types in the voluntary carbon market” will be presented. The study conducted by Oeko-Institute and Stockholm Environment Institute builds on a methodology used in the CCQI and explores the impacts of projects in the voluntary carbon market beyond GHG emission reductions. Typical sustainable development impacts were identified for afforestation, off-grid PV, improved cookstoves and water filter projects.

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
