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I4C Webinar on Article 6 Piloting

Source: CFI

Article 6 pilot initiatives are continuing to expand globally, even without the finalized UNFCCC rules. These pilots and enabling initiatives are providing valuable experiences for the Article 6 negotiations and a general understanding of how carbon markets will be operating under the Paris Agreement. The experiences made and lessons learned will be decisive for the transition into post-2020 carbon markets. The longer the regulatory uncertainty persists, the more important Article 6 pilot initiatives become in informing the international community on what workable solutions could look like, identifying practical questions and speeding up implementation once the rules have been agreed.

This webinar will launch the study “Article 6 Piloting: State of play and stakeholder experiences” that features updates on Article 6 pilot activities and enabling initiatives on the ground, and further emphasizes stakeholder experiences and insights on piloting Article 6.



Sandra Grainer (Climate Focus)

Stephan Hoch (Perspectives Climate Group)

Ida Hamilton (Swedish Energy Agency)

Juan Pedro Searle (Ministry of Energy, Chile)

Moderation: Malin Ahlberg (BMU)


Further information and registration: I4C-Website


A video recording of the webinar can be viewed below:

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