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EB 96 makes a decision on tools to demonstrate additionality

At its 96th meeting, the Board revisited the topic of using the Common Practice Analysis and First-of–its-Kind Analysis tools to demonstrate additionality. Despite the intense criticism expressed by some Board members regarding the First-of-its-Kind approach, the Board decided that use of both tools should continue unchanged. The Board approved a revision of the Combined Tool. A revised draft of the Guidelines to develop sector-specific standardized baselines caused some Board members to question once again whether developing guidelines for different sectors makes sense. From the Board’s perspective, the revised version of the Guidelines contained a large number of deficits and further revision was requested. To deal with the outstanding Share of Proceeds (SOP) payments, the Board implemented two measures with adjustments to the CDM Project Cycle Procedures. Furthermore, the process of digitalisation of Project Design Documents (PDDs) continues apace. No methodologies have been fully digitalised so far.

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