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EB 93 Approves Comprehensive Guideline Reform

The 93th meeting of the CDM Executive Board was held in Bonn in February 2017. Chaired by the newly elected Frank Wolke, the EB approved the revised version of the guidelines in terms of the Project Standard (PS), the Project Cycle Procedure (PCP) and the Validation and Verification Manual (VVS). All three documents are now available in two separate sets of rules, one for projects and one for PoAs. Important changes include simplified rules for PoA, more flexibility for auditors, and an improved stakeholder consultation process.

Furthermore, to save on costs and to utilise available synergies, the Board decided that the Methodologies Panel (MP) and the Small Scale Working Group (SSC WG) would be merged in September this year. The MP’s mandate will be expanded and the panel will be increased to include members with SSC expertise. Moreover, voluntary cancellation (VC) is to be promoted by means of a broad-based campaign. Service providers such as travel and hotel agencies are to be especially targeted to encourage them to integrate offsetting options into their online booking systems.


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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
