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"Looking Back into the Future"

New magazine looks at support initiatives for projects at risk and analyses perspectives for future Carbon Markets

October 2015 – The international carbon markets face a twofold challenge: currently operating projects suffer from the market crisis and many actually run the risk of being discontinued. At the same time, the future of the global Carbon Markets is being shaped in the UNFCCC negotiations. This issue of the Carbon Mechanisms Review takes up both challenges and reports, for example, on a research activity that mapped the current status of CDM projects, analysing a sample of more than 70% of the registered CDM projects. Moreover, it presents the results of the first auction under a new world bank facility which is supporting methane CDM projects at risk.

Regarding the future markets, the issue features an article on the latest round of negotiations in Bonn and presents an outlook onto what is needed and what the next steps must be. An interview with an African UNFCCC negotiator takes up the development of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) and analyses the role Carbon Markets can play in this process.

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