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Aligning Agendas - Documentation available

UNFCCC Photo Contest / Karlsen

Synergies between ambitious and transformational Article 6 activities and sustainable development impacts

April 2021 - To limit global warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, fundamental societal and systemic transformations are required. When considering different climate protection options, the interplay with the Sustainable Development Goals is getting increased attention. According to the IPCC, synergies between greenhouse gas mitigation and sustainable development clearly outnumber trade-offs.
The design and implementation of international carbon markets can also support transformative change, but further work is needed to align carbon market tools and approaches with the definitions and frameworks of the UN and other initiatives to achieve sustainable development and higher ambition in nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

Against this backdrop, the Sustainable Development Initiative and the Wuppertal Institute co-hosted two webinars in November and December 2020 to discuss ways in which Article 6 of the Paris Agreement can use transformative, science-based approaches to achieve global goals and ensure environmental integrity in international market-based cooperation.

The first webinar, "Guidance for the Interim - Webinar on the San José Principles and Carbon Market Integrity," was held in November 2020. Participants discussed how to ensure the high ambition and integrity of future carbon markets in the absence of a regulatory framework. In addition, the webinar provided first-hand information on the principles underlying the Article 6 Agreement negotiations between Peru and Switzerland.
Further Information

In December 2020, the second webinar on transformative Art. 6 programs was hosted. Experts from research and practice discussed ways to integrate transformative change into the design of Article 6 activities and how these could be implemented in practice
Further Information 

You can find the presentations of the speakers on the respective page of the event for download.

The documentation of both seminars is now available for download.

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