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EB 83 Opens the CDM to New Projects While Adapting the Mechanism to the Current Market Situation

May 2015 - The 83th meeting of the CDM Executive Board took place in Bonn, Germany from 13 to 16 April. In its second meeting of the year, the Executive Board met in a partly new composition, with Lambert Schneider chairing the Board. EB members worked on several issues making some relevant decisions to ensure a smooth operation of the mechanism in times of limited demand for CERs.

In terms of methodologies, the Board inter alia modified a small-scale transport methodology, incentivising projects that induce a switch from fossil-fuelled to electric vehicles. In addition, a new large scale consolidated methodology was approved and several large and small scale methodologies were revised, including a methodology for water purification. The Board further decided to prioritize four methodologies for the development of best practice examples. These non-binding examples are to reduce the risk of misinterpretation in the application of the methodologies and will take into account common errors made.

Agreement was also reached on a process to deal with proposed projects that are located at the site of a former project, whose crediting period has expired. In such cases, DOEs are required to confirm that the proposed project is actually new by taking into account a list of criteria, such the technology and resources applied.

The Board further underlined the importance of measures to promote the regional distribution of CDM activities such as the Nairobi Framework Plan (NFP). Board members also selected a consultant for conducting an independent third party evaluation of the Regional Collaboration Centres (RCCs), which are to assist previously underrepresented regions in attracting new CDM activities.

Voluntary cancellation of CERs remains a key issue and Board members at EB 83 reiterated their willingness to install a voluntary cancellation platform. It’s launch is now scheduled for September 2015. The Executive Board accredited a DOE from China, while another DOE withdrew its accreditation. In light of the limited number of validations and verifications the Board agreed on a process to adjust the accreditation standard and procedure in this year.

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