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Green Climate Fund

Green Climate Fund

In August 2020, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board has approved funding for a rural electrification project which aims at deploying solar mini-grids…

Photo by Unsplashed

Photo by Unsplashed

The webinar presented different approaches to guide jurisdictions to participate in international Carbon Markets without risking their capacity to…

Photo by Thais Morais on Unsplash

Photo by Thais Morais on Unsplash

July 2020 - The current Carbon Mechanisms Review analyses the transition from the Clean Development Mechanism to Article 6 and exclusively presents…

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

The Paris Agreement calls for a balance of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and sinks in the second half of this century. As a…

Photo by RawFilm on Unsplash

Photo by RawFilm on Unsplash

This short study seeks to contribute to the elaboration of the rules, modalities and procedures of the Article 6.4 mechanism.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

In this webinar, the participants, together with experts from Perspectives, IEA, INFRAS and the Wuppertal Institute, addressed the question how these…



June 2020 - In a first online General Assembly, the East African Alliance for Carbon Markets and Climate Finance adopted a series of framework…

Photo by UNclimatechange on Flickr

Photo by UNclimatechange on Flickr

This new paper aims at filling this void by exploring ways how to kick start the Article 6.4 mechanism.

Photo by pixabay

Photo by pixabay

May 2020 - The recent issue of CMR analyses the implications the coronavirus pandemic might have on Art. 6 negotiations. Could they be recalibrated…

Photo by EAACC

Photo by EAACC

March 2020 – Since the launch of the Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance in June 2019, significant effort has been put into…

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
