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Photo by Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance

Photo by Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance

The Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance published a negotiation handbook and a Article 6 institutional and legal framework…

Photo by Monstera on Pexels

June 2021 - Under the Paris Agreement, developing countries are confronted with multiple challenges: Developing countries do not only have to decide…

Photo by G7

June 2021 - At a virtual meeting, G7 climate and environment ministers agreed on a comprehensive declaration which inter alia emphasizes the role of…

Photo by Climate Finance Innovators

A new study examines how the conditionality of NDC targets can influence Article 6 cooperation by looking at the NDCs of several African countries.

Photo by Chelsea Bock

May 2021 - Which opportunities, potentials and innovation possibilities do Nature based solutions (NbS) offer in carbon markets? What are the…

Photo by Innovate4Climate

Update: All Innovate4Climate 2021 networking events have been recorded and are available to registered participants here.

To promote knowledge…

Photo by AHK China Beijing

May 2021 - The decline in global air traffic caused by the COVID-19 pandemic also has implications for the implementation of the Carbon Offsetting and…

Photo by Unsplash on Unsplash

Photo by Unsplash on Unsplash

The Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Market and Climate Finance hosted an online workshop on climate and carbon finance in Africa

Photo by Franz Metelec

April 2021 - The latest issue of the Carbon Mechanisms Review (CMR) takes up the debate on the challenges of the voluntary carbon market, which has to…

Party positions on market mechanisms in latest NDCs

Party positions on market mechanisms in latest NDCs

A new research paper has examined how Parties position themselves on market mechanisms in the latest NDCs.

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
