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February 2013 - As confirmed once again at the conference in Doha, the design of the new market mechanisms (NMM) is going nowhere fast. How can the…

February 2013 - The second Kyoto period is here – with few players and low targets. Emission trading schemes are multiplying worldwide – and the…

October 2012 - From 04-05 October 2012 the 13th workshop of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) took place in Berlin. The first day of the…

October 2012 - From 04-05 October 2012 the 13th workshop of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) took place in Berlin. The first day of the…

February 2012 - At the beginning of February, the CDM Executive Board registered a programme of activities involving the use of efficient wood-burning…

January 2012 - The German Environment Ministry and the KfW Bank have launched a new Foundation for the Future of the Carbon Market. Its function is to…

December 2011 - This year’s Carbon Expo trade fair in Barcelona drew to a close on 3 June. In a programmatic, future-focused speech, Christiana…

October 2011 - Following its approval by the German Bundesrat (upper house of parliament), Germany’s Emission Allowance Trading Act (TEHG) entered…

June 2011 - From 2013, CERs and ERUs generated from HFC23 and adipic acid projects will no longer be eligible for use in the EU Emissions Trading…

July 2011 - This year’s Carbon Expo trade fair in Barcelona drew to a close on 3 June. In a programmatic, future-focused speech, Christiana Figueres,…

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
