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March 2018 – The latest Carbon Mechanism Review discusses the challenges posed by the architecture of the Paris Agreement for the concept of…

March 2018 - As a contribution to the international debate, Atlas Environmental Law Advisory and adelphi developed draft legal language on selected…

Deutscher Bundestag bei Sonnenschein

(Photo: Lukas Plewina/

March 2018 - On 14 March 2018, the new German Government was sworn in. The Government is formed by a coalition of three parties, namely CDU (Christian…

May 2018 - In order to achieve the climate change mitigation targets agreed in Paris, Parties must urgently raise their ambition. Article 6 of the…

January 2018 - Additionality is a key criterion that is crucial for safeguarding the environmental integrity of the Paris Agreement, especially in the…

[Translate to English:] (Photo: Servicios de Conferencias CEPAL - Santiago)

[Translate to English:] (Photo: Servicios de Conferencias CEPAL - Santiago)

March 2018 - Government representatives from across the Americas met in Santiago de Chile at the “High Level Regional Dialogue on Carbon Pricing and…

January 2018 - For the past four years or more, the Chinese government has been using pilot projects to gather experience in the lead up to the…

January 2018 - Germany is supporting the World Bank's Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC) with funding in the amount of two million euros. The…

September 2017 - On 5 September 2017, the AHK Greater Beijing informed about the framework and prospects of China's South-South Cooperation on climate…

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
