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Photo by EAACC

Photo by EAACC

March 2020 – Since the launch of the Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance in June 2019, significant effort has been put into…

Photo by Viktor Kriyanov on Unsplash

January 2020 – A decisive difference between the Paris Agreement’s Article 6 and the Kyoto Protocol’s project-based mechanisms is that activities…

(Photo by pixabay)

(Photo by pixabay)

Two years on from the introduction of China’s emissions trading scheme, the AHK Great China Beijing invited industry representatives and sectoral…

October 2019 - Since several years, China has been implementing a comprehensive power sector reform. The overarching goal is to set up a more…

(Photo by Zoya Loonohod on Unsplash)

December 2019 - The Paris Agreement builds on an approach that is fundamentally decentralised in nature. This also includes its treatment of…

Photo by Sam Bark on Unsplash

Photo by Sam Bark on Unsplash

November 2019 – Carbon pricing is increasingly being seen as a key strategy to address climate change and more and more market-based mechanisms are…

[Translate to English:] Photo by Lars Kuczynski on Unsplash

[Translate to English:] Photo by Lars Kuczynski on Unsplash

November 2019 - Article 6 of the Paris Agreement could open a new chapter of market-based international cooperation by going beyond the project-based…

[Translate to English:] (Photo by Alain Duchateau on unsplash)

[Translate to English:] (Photo by Alain Duchateau on unsplash)

November 2019 - At this year’s climate conference in Madrid, Parties are to complete the rulebook for the use of market-based instruments under the…

[Translate to English:] Photo by Lucas Davies on Unsplash

November 2019 - In 2016, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopted the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International…

Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash

November 2019 - Is Article 6 on the home stretch? New Carbon Mechanisms Review looks at success factors for the upcoming Article 6 negotiations and…

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
